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Why I am against the death penalty

05:51 Apr 30 2008
Times Read: 768

DALLAS, Texas (AP) -- A Dallas man who spent more than 27 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit was freed Tuesday, after being incarcerated longer than any other wrongfully convicted U.S. inmate cleared by DNA testing.

James Lee Woodard had been in prison for more than 27 years before DNA cleared him.

James Lee Woodard stepped out of the courtroom and raised his arms to a throng of photographers.

Supporters and other people gathered outside the court erupted in applause.

"No words can express what a tragic story yours is," state District Judge Mark Stoltz told Woodard at a brief hearing before his release.

Woodard -- cleared of the 1980 murder of his girlfriend -- became the 18th person in Dallas County to have his conviction cast aside.

That's a figure unmatched by any county nationally, according to the Innocence Project, a New York-based legal center that specializes in overturning wrongful convictions.

"I thank God for the existence of the Innocence Project," Woodard, 55, told the court. "Without that, I wouldn't be here today. I would be wasting away in prison."

Overall, 31 people have been formally exonerated through DNA testing in Texas, also a national high. That does not include Woodard and at least three others whose exonerations will not become official until Gov. Rick Perry grants pardons or the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals formally accepts the ruling of lower courts that have already recommended exoneration.

Woodard was sentenced to life in prison in July 1981 for the murder of a 21-year-old Dallas woman found raped and strangled near the banks of the Trinity River.

Don't Miss

The Innocence Project

He was convicted primarily on the basis of testimony from two eyewitnesses, said Natalie Roetzel, the executive director of the Innocence Project of Texas.

One has since recanted in an affidavit. As for the other, "we don't believe her testimony was accurate," Roetzel said.

Like nearly all the exonorees, Woodard has maintained his innocence throughout his time in prison. But after filing six writs with an appeals court, plus two requests for DNA testing, his pleas of innocence became so repetitive and routine that "the courthouse doors were eventually closed to him and he was labeled a writ abuser," Roetzel said.

"On the first day he was arrested, he told the world he was innocent ... and nobody listened," Jeff Blackburn, chief counsel for the Innocence Project of Texas, said during Tuesday's hearing.

He even stopped attending his parole hearings because gaining his release would have meant confessing to a crime he didn't do.

"It says a lot about your character that you were more interested in the truth than your freedom," the judge told Woodard after making his ruling.

Blackburn and prosecutors hailed Tuesday's hearing as a landmark moment of frequent adversaries working together.

Since the DNA evidence was tied to rape and Woodard was convicted of murder, Innocence Project attorneys had to prove that the same person committed both crimes. They said they couldn't have done that without access to evidence provided by Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins' office.

"You've got to have very good lawyers with a lot of experience and skill ... working on both ends of this case, hard," Blackburn said. "And you've also got to have government power behind what you do."

Under Watkins, Dallas County has a program supervised by the Innocence Project of Texas that is reviewing hundreds of cases of convicts who have requested DNA testing to prove their innocence.

While the number of exonerations on Watkins' watch continues to grow, he said this one was a little different.

"I saw the human side of it, and seeing the human said of it just gives you more courage to advocate for issues like this," said Watkins, who had breakfast with Woodard on Tuesday morning. "It gives me that resolve to go even further to find out who (the killer) is so that we can get him into custody."

Woodard said his family was "small and scattered," although he pointed out a niece in the courtroom. He said his biggest regret was not being with his mother when she died.

"I can tell you what I'd like to do first: breathe fresh, free air," Woodard said during a news conference in the courtroom after the hearing.

"I don't know what to expect. I haven't been in Dallas since buses were blue."



06:42 Apr 30 2008

06:52 Apr 30 2008

It's too late to say oops sorry when an innocent person is dead....it's just too high a price to pay, which is why I am also against the death penalty.

15:08 Apr 30 2008

18 convictions over turned in one county. The evidence is there that innocent people have been killed in the name of justice. If you can prove someone is guilty in a fair and nondiscriminatory trial- then by all means execute. I don't have sympathy for kidnappers, rapers, or murderers- I do know that innocent people get convicted. But at least here in the US, historically and even in the present we convict and give tougher penalties to minorities when the crime is the same.

17:02 Apr 30 2008

My Aunt was killed years ago in her home in Fla.

They found fingerprints in her blood, foot prints in her blood in the home of the killer.

The police had video from pawn shops of a woman selling my aunt's jews.

This woman's boyfriend fingerprints was the ones found in my Aunt's home. When they caught him in GA as he was running- the tennis shoes he had on was the same ones prints that was in blood on the kitchen floor where she was beaten and stomped to death. They held trace blood that was my Aunts.

His family members came forth and told at the trail how he had talked of killing my Aunt for money for drugs. She knew him as a the brother of a man she rented a house to.

At the trail he told the judge, on court record, that he did kill her. That he was sick, and should be forgiven.

To me- that Mother Fucker needs killed. I would do it in a second if given a chance. Clean shot to the head.

He sits in Fla. 17 years and still waiting for the day of his death. 17 years my Aunt never had.

I have mix feelings but if asked to pick- I am for it.

If I was on a jury- you would have to prove to me the crime was done by the person. If you are able to I would vote for death.


02:35 Apr 23 2008
Times Read: 788

Eight more primaries to go! This campaign cycle has been a political junkies dream. I'm sure it would be more of annoyance if I thought the party would be divided because of it or if I thought one of the two was incapable, but that is not the case. If Rick Santorum and Rush Limbaugh can bite their tongue and welcome McCain- I’m sure the democrats will survive. In the mean time- its popcorn and beer as we watch the sink get thrown!




19:31 Apr 15 2008
Times Read: 806

Pope to president: Don't call me, I'll call you

There may be an explanation for this that doesn't look like an obvious snub, but nothing comes to mind.

Guess who's not coming to dinner? Pope Benedict XVI.

President Bush and his wife, Laura, will host a White House dinner in honor of the pontiff Wednesday evening. U.S. Catholic leaders from around the nation will attend. The menu will offer Bavarian-style food in recognition of the pope's German heritage. It's even the pope's 81st birthday. But he won't be there.

"He's on a very ambitious official schedule," Anita McBride, Mrs. Bush's chief of staff, said Friday. "He'll be meeting with U.S. bishops that night" at a university in Washington.

Now, it's not that the pope is avoiding Bush altogether. The president and first lady will greet the pope at Andrews Air Force Base, and there will be a formal welcoming ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House tomorrow morning.

But the White House also scheduled a dinner in the pope's honor for that evening, and he's apparently decided he has better things to do on Wednesday night.

Complicating matters, Raw Story reported that there are "no competing events listed on the pope's schedule."

And making matters slightly worse, the White House can't explain why Pope Benedict XVI won't attend the dinner in his honor.


― Steve Benen

Click here for the website I pulled this from.

I wonder if this has anything to do with the war the Pope has declared unlawful and against God's will. Or maybe it is a signal that the Pope does not agree with the 134 executions Bush presided over. Nah I'm sure it has nothing to do with any of those things and it is just a pesky scheduling issue.



23:15 Apr 15 2008

I bet it has to do with Bush family not be Catholic.

23:15 Apr 16 2008

Maybe he did not like the food at the dinner. Humble pie anyone? :)

02:16 Apr 17 2008

The Pope meets with plenty of non-Catholic leaders around the globe. I am though perplexed why a peace promoter would get a 21 shot solute

13:37 Apr 23 2008

Interestingly, Seattle School district must have viewed it as a snub- they allowed ALL their students "a pass to miss school" if they were going to see the Dali Lama *YAY* but if they were going to see the Pope- no pass, and even with a parent giving an excuse it would be considered an unexcused absence. *Boo*

Not to get into the politics of religion, but for me that is crap esp since there are so many Catholics in Seattle, just as there are Buddhists... so why favor one religion over the other? It is religious discrimination, yet they call it school policy.

That is why I do not miss Seattle


00:33 Apr 15 2008
Times Read: 816

Riots, instability spread as food prices skyrocket

(CNN) -- Riots from Haiti to Bangladesh to Egypt over the soaring costs of basic foods have brought the issue to a boiling point and catapulted it to the forefront of the world's attention, the head of an agency focused on global development said Monday.

"This is the world's big story," said Jeffrey Sachs, director of Columbia University's Earth Institute.

"The finance ministers were in shock, almost in panic this weekend," he said on CNN's "American Morning," in a reference to top economic officials who gathered in Washington. "There are riots all over the world in the poor countries ... and, of course, our own poor are feeling it in the United States."

World Bank President Robert Zoellick has said the surging costs could mean "seven lost years" in the fight against worldwide poverty.

"While many are worrying about filling their gas tanks, many others around the world are struggling to fill their stomachs, and it is getting more and more difficult every day," Zoellick said late last week in a speech opening meetings with finance ministers.

"The international community must fill the at least $500 million food gap identified by the U.N.'s World Food Programme to meet emergency needs," he said. "Governments should be able to come up with this assistance and come up with it now."

The White House announced Monday evening that an estimated $200 million in emergency food aid would be made available through the U.S. Agency for International Development.

"This additional food aid will address the impact of rising commodity prices on U.S. emergency food aid programs, and be used to meet unanticipated food aid needs in Africa and elsewhere," the White House said in a news release.

"In just two months," Zoellick said in his speech, "rice prices have skyrocketed to near historical levels, rising by around 75 percent globally and more in some markets, with more likely to come. In Bangladesh, a 2-kilogram bag of rice ... now consumes about half of the daily income of a poor family."

The price of wheat has jumped 120 percent in the past year, he said -- meaning that the price of a loaf of bread has more than doubled in places where the poor spend as much as 75 percent of their income on food.

"This is not just about meals forgone today or about increasing social unrest. This is about lost learning potential for children and adults in the future, stunted intellectual and physical growth," Zoellick said.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, also spoke at the joint IMF-World Bank spring meeting.

"If food prices go on as they are today, then the consequences on the population in a large set of countries ... will be terrible," he said.

He added that "disruptions may occur in the economic environment ... so that at the end of the day most governments, having done well during the last five or 10 years, will see what they have done totally destroyed, and their legitimacy facing the population destroyed also."

In Haiti, the prime minister was kicked out of office Saturday, and hospital beds are filled with wounded following riots sparked by food prices. Watch Haitians riot over food prices »

The World Bank announced a $10 million grant from the United States for Haiti to help the government assist poor families.

In Egypt, rioters have burned cars and destroyed windows of numerous buildings as police in riot gear have tried to quell protests.

Images from Bangladesh and Mozambique tell a similar story.

In the United States and other Western nations, more and more poor families are feeling the pinch. In recent days, presidential candidates have paid increasing attention to the cost of food, often citing it on the stump.

The issue is also fueling a rising debate over how much the rising prices can be blamed on ethanol production. The basic argument is that because ethanol comes from corn, the push to replace some traditional fuels with ethanol has created a new demand for corn that has thrown off world food prices.

Jean Ziegler, U.N. special rapporteur on the right to food, has called using food crops to create ethanol "a crime against humanity."

"We've been putting our food into the gas tank -- this corn-to-ethanol subsidy which our government is doing really makes little sense," said Columbia University's Sachs.

Former President Clinton, at a campaign stop for his wife in Pennsylvania over the weekend, said, "Corn is the single most inefficient way to produce ethanol because it uses a lot of energy and because it drives up the price of food."

Some environmental groups reject the focus on ethanol in examining food prices.

"The contrived food vs. fuel debate has reared its ugly head once again," the Renewable Fuels Association says on its Web site, adding that "numerous statistical analyses have demonstrated that the price of oil -- not corn prices or ethanol production -- has the greatest impact on consumer food prices because it is integral to virtually every phase of food production, from processing to packaging to transportation."

Analysts agree the cost of fuel is among the reasons for the skyrocketing prices.

Another major reason is rising demand, particularly in places in the midst of a population boom, such as China and India.

Also, said Sachs, "climate shocks" are damaging food supply in parts of the world. "You add it all together: Demand is soaring, supply has been cut back, food has been diverted into the gas tank. It's added up to a price explosion."




Why I Won't Vote for McCain II

18:52 Apr 07 2008
Times Read: 837

"Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain’s intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain’s hair and said, “You’re getting a little thin up there.” McCain’s face reddened, and he responded, “At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.” McCain’s excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days."

Click here to read more about McCain's foul temper.




17:45 Apr 07 2008
Times Read: 842

The Case for Hillary Clinton




17:27 Apr 04 2008
Times Read: 856

Race is merely the manifestation of an economic conquest divide and conquer scheme. As long as we view things in a white versus black, black versus brown, man versus woman- we will never alleviate discrimination.




04:02 Apr 03 2008
Times Read: 868

I am typically the person who is motivated by injustices. I am the type to write a letter to the editor, to donate my time and efforts to help individuals who are working for the greater good.

Feeding off of the negative is difficult. Too often it is easy to fall into a jaded mindset. If the odds are stacked so high against all of us, and the majority of people proclaim to not give a damn- how can any individual make a worthwhile change that reverberates beyond the self?

How do we look beyond the systematic injustices that threaten so many? From every child left behind, the bail out of investing bankers but not sub prime mortgage holders, the laughable war on poverty, drugs, and the environment, it is not just a matter of changing apathetic decision makers and an apathetic public.

Common decency (if there ever was any) has been eroded. Initially I had a long diatribe of what is wrong with families, societies, and the world, but I decided to omit it because we all know what is wrong. Do we know what is right though? Do we care?

It only takes a sliver of hope for me to believe, but this week has been a trying one. Nothing special or dramatic occurred, just the threshold was crossed and now I need to let go. Anger turns into apathy. Apathy turns into our demise.

It is not me versus you or us versus them- we are a whole. As long as there is an injustice against one of us, there is an injustice against us all. It is our duty to our family, our community, our species, and ourselves to change how we behave towards one another and our surroundings.




04:01 Apr 03 2008
Times Read: 870



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